Guess this is Ozzy when he was 2 months old. He hates being locked up. After looking at the video, i realise how Emma *screams* so alike her daddy, haha~

Tessie @ 2 Months Old~

Ozzy @ 2 Years Old~

Tessie & Ozzy; celebrating Chinese New year!

Second pup from left was the first and smallest pup in the litter, he was Da-Bao. Josephine & partner came home from dinner on 29 October 2007 and found the first pup on the floor. JO carried the pup to Tessie and squeezed her tit & a bit of milk appeared, thus she placed the pup near the mum's tit to let him feed. By 5 am of the 30 of October 5 pups were born. The first pup was smallest of the lot. Even the runt was bigger in size.

Tessie nursing her puppies~

Puppy number one or Da Bao is a boy. He is the runt of the litter and weighs only 75gm.

Puppy number two or Er Bao is a male. He weigh 170gm.

Pup number three or San Bao is the only female. She weigh 150gm.

Pup number four or Si Bao is a male and the only black and silver. He weigh 170gm.

Pup number five or Wu Bao is a male. He weigh 150gm.

Puppies before tail docking~

A bundle of joy!

Da-Bao & Wu-Bao (ready for new homes)

Er-Bao, San-Bao & Si-Bao (ready for new homes)
-> Coincidentally, while i was browsing Mocca ad one day, i chanced upon Jo's advertisement & her ad with this particular picture caught my eye. I told Winnie & my sis that i had an eye for that pup in the middle but didn't know whether it was male/female, even Jo couldn't remember at that point when we visited the dogs. But our guess is that she was the female puppy i was looking out for & i badly wanted a sister for Ebi & had no eyes for males, tsktsk~ Emma caught my eye somehow & i got really interested in her. Thus, Emma joined my family subsequently~ And by Fate - this puppy that caught my heart turned out to be little Emma~ How wonderful~ (",)

Da-Bao in his new home, his name is : Dino

Er-Bao in his new home, his name is : Cookie

San-Bao in her new home, her name is : Emma

Si-Bao in his new home, his name is : Muixx Baby

Wu-Bao remained with the parent's & was kept by Jo, his name is : Rocky
Hmmm, i realise Cookie, Emma & Rocky looks sort of alike huh? They seems to have very identical colours~ Guess it would have been a little hard to differenciate Emma & Rocky if Rocky hasn't been smaller in size & so shy when he meets strangers? =p Anyway, it would be great if Emma gets to meet-up with the parents & all the other siblings someday! Oh, and how i miss Rocky boy~ (",)