As it poured heavyily earlier in the noon, thus they were given a big spacious air-conditioned room instead. Man, it was huge & clean! Very nice place for the owners to linger around & for the furkids to play catching. Hehe~ Buffet for the humans laid on the tables at the side, chairs stacked all nicely at the back, welcome gifts & barky meals for the dogs stacked at the other side & there were even a projector playing movie for entertainment. Woolala~
Once again, the 6 musketeers met. How fast~ Julius & Jester had turned 1 & both of them have indeed grown alot! Especially Julius, the muscular & strong but very shy boy, he's sooooooo nice to cuddle! Haha~ Jester, the forever lovely & cute boy that can stay on our lap the WHOLE day, muahahaa~ Soon, 2 more mths & Emma is turning 1. Wah, how time flies. I was still admiring her puppy pics earlier on! BoohOoz..
We had all the schnauzers around yesterday, including a Papillon & a Westie. There were at least 15 MS yesterday, it was fun to see them running & chasing each other, having fun. The food was good, atmosphere was nice & most importantly, the people were great! Everyone did their job of cleaning up their doggies pee/poo & thus the place was kept clean enough. Thank you too, Gary ("Fatimah") for mopping & cleaning our area, LOL~
The party bento for the dogs was packed nicely & i bet all dogs drooled upon the scent of the delicious foodie! Yummy!

Ebi @ the party



Mr Mohawk, Sniper

Muscular & strong yet shy, Julius

Oways cute & lovely Jester~ Happy barkday too!

Alfred's papillon.. i can't rem his name..

Val Val~ She's so lovely & sweet!! Another small & shorty MS, cuteeeez!!

The peeps~

Julius meets Pony

All the doggies having a jolly-well goodtime. Simply loves to play. (Ollie-pa was right, somehow Schnauzers simply enjoys & loves playing with their own breed more) (",)

The 'inseperable' couple. Very safe to leave Emma in Jester's hands. =p (Oh! Ah Ter got angry when Coby, the other MS came around & disturbed Mermer, wahahaaha~)

This mini Jr can't tk his eyes off our shy boy, Julius! Haa

Party Bento for the dogs

Yummylicious! The dogs can't have enough of it! Haa

Happy Mommy~

Happy Barkday, little Miss Pony! The ever sweet & affectionate lady~

Happy family!

Barkday gal, Pony

Chaos. Trying to get the dogs to do a group shot. *sweats*

Finally! Amazingly did it. Kekeke

Sssshhh~ Happy 1st Barkday, Jester boy!

Pony's barkday cupcakes

Gifts for the doggies, thanks ah Joys, very thoughtful of u! *muack*
The party ended well & we parted ways at 9+pm. I was shagged, so were the dogs!

The moment we were home.. Emma kpo abit & went straight to Ebi's bed & fell asleep. LOL~

Tadah! Ebi & Emma's scarfs embroidered with their names

Ebi w/ new scarf

Emma w/ new scarf

Black & White

Colour Accent

Totally flat after the great party

This happens whenever someone comes back home & they are oways very ready to check-it-out, no matter what they are doing.. lol~

Their supper! Tsktsk.

We smelt foodie! *slurp*

Share share ok??

Chomp chomp chomps..

*Burp* After eating & cleaning up, off Emma falling asleep again. Ebi was already in his la-la land anyway~ Geez
Thank you Joys once again, for the invitation. The party was great & the food was delicious. I loveeeeeee the chicken with cereals! Hehe. Kudos for all the plannings, setting-up & the lovely gifts~ Ebi & Emma enjoyed the bash very much & the bento meal was great! Happy Barkday again to Pony gal! Loves, Ebi & Emma. =)
*We shall meet soon again @ the next MS gathering in Sentosa. Must come okie!!*