
Pam Pam with Cobi & Ody




Junior & Jester

Spot where the small boy - Jester is?

The 4 Musketeers


Emma & Ebi

The Unite of the 8 bestest doggy pals~ *Group Pic*

4 Musketeers; Ebi, Emma, Junior & Jester


The fun people~

Julius - ain't he good looking? Heh

Ah-Ju aka Junior. He's not feeling very well - drink more water ok?


Emma & Cobi

Ah-Ter aka Jester

Julius & Sniper

Ody boy aka Mr Pringles~

Happy Family Photo~ =p

Big Pavillon to take a rest & unleash the dogs for them to run & have fun!

Junior, Jester & Ebi

Emma & Ebi

Ody, the free & easy boy! Hahaa

Lunch @ Earth Cafe

Cat's local vs ang moh chix rice!

My nasi lemak!

Jester loves to rest his head on the table-top..

Andddd, Ody loves doing it too! Keke

Sleepyhead Ody!
It was a very fun & eventful sunday spent. I loves meeting up & hanging around with these MS kakis~ We bidded farewell at around 2pm & i headed off to Gladys for bathing sessions for Ebi & Emma. I'm tooooooo tired & lazy to bath them, i've not finished packing my luggage as well. Hahaa~ Newae, WE really enjoyed ourselves today. Thank God once again, for the lovely weather! Looking forward to meet them up again~ Ebi & Emma KO-ed the whole day after they came home from the groomer. LOL~
Oh btw, let me introduce Ebi's galfriend below.. Geez~ I find her really pretty & sweet, most importantly she's cute! LOL~ I'm so attracted to her, i decided to hook-up Ebi boy with her. I'm sure Ebi will love her as much, coz he too likes cute & pretty female schnauzers. Whahahaa~ (",)
This is lovely Zena;-

Ebi's new love - Zena. muahahaa~

These are Zena's siblings - Cody & Joyce

This too is Zena's sibling - Lady aka the Queen doggy of the house~

The Four Musketeers
I would love to meet-up all 4 of them soon! Ebi would be very excited to meet his love, Zena~ tsktsk. Perhaps next time they should join us for our next gathering. I'm sure the dogs would enjoy & have fun! =p
Oh yes, i wanna thank Adeline & Victor too, for organising this great outing. The place & the people were lovely. We enjoyed ourselves throughly. =)
*It's 1.30am now, 3 hours to go & im ready to bath & change & head for the airport with Dad & Mum driving me there. I'm not feeling too happy because im gonna be apart from moi precious duos for the next 5-6 days. Sigh~ I'll see if i can buy back many doggy stuffs & some xmas pressies for their furry paw pals. Ciaoz~!*