It was Good Friday, thus we enjoyed a long weekend from friday - sunday, yippee!! Outings were planned in advance instead of wasting the holiday @ home. We finally came to a decision on thursday & prayed for good weathers. Friday = Cycling @ ECP + Lunch @ Lagoon with Daddy, Me&Ebi, Cat&Kelvin, Joan(Do's colleague)&Melvin + Kids, Doreen&Sam + Kids, yes all 8 of us & 5 little ones. Poor MerMer had to be home with Mummy because Cat can't cycle well & having her to poochie-pouch Emma infront is a tad too dangerous for both of them. Furthermore, there are 4 kiddies around! Yes, they could stress her out & Emma cannot get along with kids, so we thought it was wiser to leave her home..~
Oh yes! I also finally managed to get another poochie pouch for Ebi! I didn't get size 6 though coz it was way too big for him! (-_-") Thus i got another size 5 in blue (last piece!) for him, from K1 @ Bedok. However, this batches seems different from the red Emma had. Hers was more of the 'waterproof' & puffy material while this blue looks more 'fabric' kinda material. And it seems to be bigger in measurement too than the red. Good, coz it fitted Ebi very well! =)

New Poochie Pouch for Ebi

It looked great & fitted perfectly well on him!

Spot the diff in material? Whatever, im just glad i got the pouches!
-= Friday, 10 April 2009=-We met @ East Coast Park (Macdonalds) for breakfast at 10am, then proceeded to a 2-hour cycling session from 11am-1pm, then we rested awhile & proceeded for lunch @ lagoon. It was also then that i saw a black schnauzer from far & i realised it looked like Julius. I was right, walked nearer & saw Nicholas with him & Kat catch up soon after. They had just went to Sentosa for a swim & back at lagoon for lunch. I then saw Sniper with Gary too. Such coincidence~ =) Timing was just so right, just as we finished lunch ard 3pm, it started raining after i sent Cat, Daddy & Ebi home. It got even heavier just after i sent Doreen&Sam + kids home.. Phew~!!

Ebi & Doreen, outside Mac

Ebi boy, the friendly one that can get along well with anybody~ Ryan & Belle liked him most! The goody good boy in the family~ Heh

Ryan & his McGriddle burger

Belle & Ebi

Ryan & Belle with Ebi

Bicycle Kiosk, 2 hrs @ $6!

Doreen & Belle

Sam, Doreen, Ryan & Belle

Doreen w/ Belle & Me w/ Ebi~


Daddy & Belle

Joan, Daddy, Doreen & Belle

Joan's dotter - Shine

Joan's dotter - Summer

Belle & Summer

My god-dotter, Ah Belle's 1st ride on the bicycle..

Shine skating w/ Sam

Shine Shine~

Summer aka MerMer~

Summer & Belle

Shine learning to skate

4 Kiddies! Summer, Belle, Shine & Ryan~

Off for lunch @ Lagoon thereafter. We ordered loads of food & everybody went home with a very bloated tummy. Whahahaa~
The day ended well & everybody had fun! Cat could cycle better & more stable now, i told her next time round, she'll have to poochie-pouch Emma infront. Hurhur~ Thank GOD for the good weather. After all the cleaning up & bathing, we were all so shagged & it was definately nice to sleep in the rainy weather. *yawns*
-= Saturday, 11 April 2009=- My duos were supposed to go for full-grooming in the noon with Marc @ 2pm & 3pm, since i was free in the morning, i called my buddy & we decided to bring the dogs to Sentosa & let them play in the sand with their pals & then head straight to the groomers after that. I also asked Jo along since her trios were going for full-grooming in the noon too. We joined Adeline & her friends outing @ Sentosa (Tanjong Beach) which she had emailed me earlier. It was also the 1st time i hangs out with some of them & i must say, they are very nice & friendly people~ There were Adeline+Victor w/ Cobi, HueyFern+Partner w/ Princess whom i've already met before, Gennie with her pair of Chihuahuas & Mini Maltese, Brian+Serene w/ Dodo & Momo & Pamela+Shaun w/ Ody joined us shortly. =p

We were at a different pavillon this time, nearer to the carpark.


Ebi & Emma meeting the new pals

Sweetie (i met her @ dogwalk 2009 too!) Reminds me of 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'




Emma, super messy!

Emma & Rocky


Wilbur, he's nickname = 冲浪小子. LOL~ He's utterly cuteee!

Swim Swim, Ebi & Emma (finally managed to get her on the sand & later into sea!)

Tessie & Rocky

Gennie w/ her chihuahuas & Jo w/ Rocky

All wet except Emma, she always refuses to get herself wet.

Serene w/ DoMo


Cobi swimming

Wet Cobi




Dodo & Momo went swimming

Momo likes Kassidy

Bur Bur~

Kassidy, pretty isn't she?

Ody swimming

Wet Princess

Very wet & messy Ebi (he loves to SOAK in the water, but not swims)
Yeahhhhhhhh! Ebi finally learnt how to swim properly! He no longers panic & beats the water hard. He could swim back to shore & paddles very calmly unlike the past. Yippee, thanks to the ladies whom brought him into the waters & let him swim. Heez~ Oh yeah, little Emma gal also learnt how to swim, thanks to Jo whom guided her & again, the ladies whom offered to bring her into the waters. She was on Cobi's life-jacket for start & i took it off when she could swim. =) I didn't have photos of them swimming coz i took video clips! See if i can upload it later.
Thanks peeps! We had loads & loads of fun~!! Thereafter, i rinsed the dogs & headed straight to RPP while the rest went to K9 Cafe. =) It was a long day & the dogs & i were tired. I slept & woke up at 5+pm to pickup the dogs. I got Marc to trim Emma really short & thining the fur coz Emma has been drooling more than usual on this hot weather. I too can't stand the urine stains on her back paws which she always gets when she squats to pee coz of the thick fur. So short fur will do her better & it wouldn't be too hot for her also. Ebi had the usual schnauzer cut & im glad his bumps are healing well. Both of them looked really neat & clean now~ (",)