Emma did not get to come along as she mis-qued & peed twice out of her pee-tray @ home!! As a punishment, she's made to stay home & look after the house.. haha^^ I did pity her & wanted to bring her along - but i was contemplating for a long long time coz i knew there will be some kids present. I was lucky we decided not to bring her in the end coz indeed there were many kids around & there were even 2 irritating cats roaming around the bungalow - Emma seriously hates them!! =(
Ebi walked awfully when i first put the new shoes on him. The way he tried to walk & run was so funny. Nevertheless, he got used to it after awhile & he could later on walk/run/jump comfortably in it.

Bungalow Chalet

Buffet Spread

Garden & BBQ Pit

Stairway to 2nd Level

Guests in the living room

Ebi in his new shoes~

Ebi boy - i love this shot! =pp

The kids likes playing with him. There would be chaos if it was Emma.. =(

Grandpa's Cake

Grandpa turns 82 this year

(Maternal) Grandpa & Grandma

Grandpa's happy~

Ebi works for his treats.. =)

Ebi Ebi

Maegan was amused by Ebi~ Ebi would do anything he can to get those treats.

My cousins~ (missing Dave & Pierre)

My siblings & cousins~

My niece - Maegan. Very adorable & lovely.
Un-afraid of Ebi & Emma - she likes to sayang Ebi~ She would look for him if he's out of her sight..

p/s; the irritating & un-deterrent cat. he/she keeps coming over to disturb Ebi even tho he avoided the cat! the cat would have been dead meat if it was MerMer~
All of us had fun~! By 11pm, Ebi got so tired 'entertaining' all the guests & following us all around the chalet - he concussed. LOL~ There were karaoke sessions cum dancing sessions, mahjong & beer drinking sessions. Everybody was enjoying themselves so much that at certain point, the guests got alittle 'high' @ the party~ Hahaha^^ I'll try & bring Emma with us next time. (",)