Oooopppps, hasn't had time to update the blog nowadays. Too hooked on facebook & photos/updates done over there is so much easier. Moreover, the software im using to downsize the photos before uploading to PB is down & im too lazy to use the online tools which takes up pretty much time. Kekeke
Anyway, Ebi & Emma is just as fine. They have went for their full grooming 2.5 weeks ago & is looking great. Emma too had just celebrated her 2nd barkday last weekend with her good pal - Junior whom turns 4. Then, we had also attended the SKC Dog Show too. I promise to get some photos of these events up soon, hurhur^^
1 very good news is - we are shifting! Yippee, finally upgrading to a bigger house after being stucked in this 3-room flat for 14 years already. Though we are only shifting a few streets away from the current, but this is still a happy affair! We found the 'perfect house' just after 4 viewings (on the same day) which is very fortunate. This new house is a door-to-door unit (finally away from some of my noisy neighbours), low-level (lift upgrading coming tho we can exercise by running up/down the stairs daily), location is okay & most importantly, nicely renovated. The owners had just renovated the house 2 years ago & everything in it looks just too new. Moreover, they are a pair of nice & friendly couple in their 30s with a pair of Jack Russells! My new neighbours are muslims but as per what the owners said - they are pretty friedly & easy to get along, the kids often comes over to look & play with the dogs. I hope in time, we can get along very well too! (",)
Exercise option will be next week & i think, we can probably get the keys to the new house in another 6 months time. Meanwhile, we are selling off our house & our agent has been bringing potential buyers over to view the house. We've got an offer already but still waiting for a more ideal one. Soooo, good luck to us! =))