We were supposed to meet at 2.30pm, Pam & i arrived slightly late. Oopss! Anyway, when we reached the sky was already very gloomy & the wind was blowing strong. So we decided to rest at the lagoon (aka hawker) first. True enough, it started to rain heavily, arghhhh! But luckily the rain did not last long, we walked over to the bicycle kiosk as soon as the rain stopped. We rented bicycles each but Wendy decided to brisk walk with her friend & Divot instead. Haha~
Anyway, we had the all males schnauzers yesterday. Ebi, Ody, Cobi & Divot. As usual, the moment Ebi meets Divot, they fights. I think there's some bad blood between the both of them, they have been fighting the moment they met, since the last 2 MS gatherings @ Earth Cafe & Sentosa! Yet, Ebi can get along well with the rest. Hmmm, i wonder why? Anyway, things got better when we stopped at Jetty to rest & let the dogs mingled around. Somehow, Divot decides to stop fighting & stalks instead, LOL~
After the cycling trip, we went to the lagoon for a nice late lunch. We had BBQ Stringrqay, Prawn Fritters, Carrot Cake, Oyster Egg, BBQ Chicken Wings, Satays, Rojak & Popiah. Yummy!!! We splitted & went back home after that. And when i reached home, i rested for about 15mins before i starts bathing Ebi & then, Emma~ =)


Ebi, like a superman

Divot meets Ebi

Divot had a thing for Ebi, he cannot stop licking his 'bird', LOL

Divot stalks Ebi~ hahaa


Cobi in the basket

Ody boy in the basket. He has a new nick; *mi mi yan* tsktsk. He's getting to look alot after Pam! =p

Ebi got stalked by Cobi & Divot. LOL~ The 2 boys cannot stop smelling his butt & little bird, AiyoyO~ He got a little angry & would fight them off occasionally. Muahaha~



Divot & Ebi, finally made up. Hehe

All 4 of them; Ody, Ebi, Cobi & Divot

Divot suddenly took a liking to Ebi instead =p

Yes, that's how i carried Ebi around while i cycle. He was enjoying the breeze~ I had a easy time to carry him around with me too, with the pouch. Tsktsktsk~

The good & yummy food!
Some misc photos i took over the weekend~

Emma asleep

Ebi asleep

Ebi's new toy

Emma just loves to snatch. Their favourite game is tug-of-war
It was nice to meet them up for a short cycling, mingling around & good lunch after that. The rain that came unexpectedly did not spoil our plan, thank god. I managed to pass them all their LP brushes & shampoo too. Ebi enjoyed himself though Emma was a little unhappy at home. But, she had the accompany of my mom & sis. I rewarded her with many treats, hugs & kisses when i was back home! Keke~