The weather was bright & sunny, so after breakfast, i decided to bring the dogs out to Pasir Ris. Winnie suggested U-Pet yesterday when we were sms-ing, so off we go ahead & met up at 12.30pm~ I jio-ed some others too, but none could make it. So, it was only the 4 musketeers again; Ebi, Emma, Junior & Jester. Hurhur~
The weather @ Bedok was real good. Somehow, it was abit gloomy at Pasir Ris. Meanwhile, i was praying that it had better not rain, it did not. There were quite a no. of golden retrievers, labs, 2 husky & a local cross when we arrived. 2-3 big piles of big big poo were unpicked, eeeekks. It wasn't like this when we first went weeks ago, sigh. Anyway, we un-leashed the dogs & allowed them to roam, hoping they would go swim on their own - which they eventually did (with our help of coz!) =p

Junior & Jester

Emma & Ebi

Jester, down into the waters

This poor boy had a shock, the local cross mouthed him on the neck! Luckily, Ter-Ter had thick thick fur & Winnie was fast enough to react.. Phew~

Emma's first swim!! But, she did not like it.

Junior into the waters too

Ebi went down too, the last victim. Hahaa



Waiting for treats..


Poor boy had a 2nd shock. He was stepped on by 1 of the husky while running, loll~ (Ter Ter! U need your korkors & mer-mer to protect u lar!! Don't venture out on ur own again pls~ Tsktsk)



Jester & Ebi

Junior & Jester

Ebi went for another dip before i washed him up

Drying Jester

Emma & Jester
It was fun. But we did not stay long as the weather looks gloomy. We washed up the dogs, dried them & put them in the car. Ah Too took care of them while Winnie & i went to U-Pet to do a quick shopping. Not much damage done for me, only $5.60~ Hehe. Bid farewell & off we went home. I was hungry & was suprised my dad had prepared a 'special lunch' for me back home. Yippy~
My favourites! Daddy's speciality. Yummyyyyyyy~

Stir-fry chilli la-la! (Woot, i slurp them all up! I love these 'baby' La La!)

Steamed crab! (Yes, i only take the 'pinchers', no other parts. Can't take much too coz i am sensitive to seafood, hmmmm~)
Quickly finished up the food & went off to bath Ebi & Emma. Oh, i finished the last bottle of the female scented LP vitamin enriched, smells delicious! Awwww, super tiring. *backache* =(
Oh oh!! I realised i hasn't blogged about daddy's new car! Muahahaa, i thought i did - forgetful me! Newae, Dad 'slashed' the our coming 5yrs old Toyota Altis weeks ago. Our new car, Toyota Corolla Axio came on 23rd June 2008. Hurhur~ Yep, my dad is a fan of toyota cars! The car came with the back 3 tinted windows (i always liked tinted windoes, it gives me a sense of privacy, haha), LCD touch-screen cd player & reverse sensor camera. Boooooo, all the advanced technologies, it got me impressesd - i didn't know they had these in the cars. Whahahaa~ Anyway i had to fidgit & play around before teaching my dad how to use it, lest he anyhow play with the buttons & i had to re-save the FM channels. =p
Our new rideeeeeee! Yippee!

The front

The side

The back

The lcd monitor, reverse camera mode comes on when reversing (i prefers to use the side & back mirrors, lol) and the unfamiliar gear..

New leather seats, Ebi & Emma can no longer dig & scratch!
Oh, im still trying to get myself used to the car. It was a little awkward in the beginning & i got a little tensed when i had to drive the 2 kids around. The unfamiliar gear too posed a problem for me, sighz. It somehow got better now. Phew! Nice & smooth ride, i prefer this to the old Altis though. (",)
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