As usual, we had good food & had fun doing visitings. Day 1 was to my grandparent's hse, Day 2 was @ my house. Thus, we are still left with 3 houses to go;- my small aunt hse (tomorrow), my big aunt hse (saturday/sunday) & my small uncle hse (sat/sun/next weekend) to go~ This had been our usual pratice since many years back. LOL~ Food + Gatherings + Blackjack~ Yippee!
-=Day 1=- *Gu-Ma's hse + Grandpa's house*
Definately, i brought Ebi & Emma along with us! Been doing so since Ebi came & joined our family. Was hestitating @ first to bring Emma as she gets agitated whenever she sees kids (i've many many newphews & nieces *sweats*) & too many strangers. But we gonna be out the whole day & i don't feel good to leave her alone @ home. Tried convincing Mom, she finally relented & asked me to don on the CNY cheongsam on them & off we go~! Yeah~!! Kekeke =p
Below's some pictures i took in the morning before we bath & get ready to leave the house in the noon for my Gu-Ma's hse first b4 going to my Grandparent's hse..

Emma & Ebi in CNY costume

They loves each other though they fights @ times. Hurhur~

The Duos in CNY mood~!
Sis came over in the morning to 'bai nian' with Mom & Dad, then giving Cat & Me, our first 'HongBao' of the day before we got our second from Dad. Geez~!


Ryan & Belle

Hamper + Dogs

Ah Mer & Ah Bi~
-=Day 2=- My House
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews & Nieces came over for the CNY gathering on Day 2 of CNY~ House was packed with humans & the 2 dogs were locked w/i the baby-gate in my room as the main gate was opened for the guests. Heez~ Dad & Mom was busy preparing the dinner & we needed 3 rounds of food for everybody~! LOL~ I was busy packing the many cans of beer into my ice-box & the packet drinks into another smaller ice-box. Our relatives came over 1 by 1, from 5pm~ =)


CNY goodies~! There were more but had to be kept away from the little kids. =p


Emma simply loves to nuah~! Anywhere, anytime. Especially loves to nuah on my Daddy's lap or on our stomachs. LOL~
She got bored while waiting for the guests~ Hehe

Ebi & Emma~!
Oh yeah, Emma finally got her own sofa bed! I threw the old zip-zip one away as the zips were spoiled & it was soiled with urine (hmmpf! wondering who did it!). She loves to sleep on Ebi's sofa bed & thus, decided to get her 1 too. Same red colour, but smaller in size as another big 1 would take up too much space. =p

Didn't go anywhere yesterday & i slept the whole day thru-out & it was very tiring for the past 2 days. Oh yah, watched "LOVE MATTERS" on CNY day 1, midnight show @ 1.10am & cinema was almost full. The show was great, very funny indeed! Watched "The Wedding Game" this afternoon too, with Eng & Collin. Pretty funny show as well but i still prefers Love Matters. Next up shall be.. All's Well End's Well 2009~
Tomorrow will be gathering @ Sis's house with her colleagues for steamboat lunch & blackjack. Then off to Small Aunt's hse in the evening for dinner & blackjack yet again~ Yeah~!! Sunday will be off to Boss's house @ Lorong How San for visitng & then, finally starting work next Monday! Bossy Tan was kind enough to let us rest for so many days & did not deduct our leaves. Phew~!!
Once again, Happy CNY to all~! Win more!! Huat ah!! Tsktsk~ (",)