Friday, June 5, 2009

Pet's Horoscope..

Oh! Ebi's a Gemini & Emma's a Scorpio !

Let's see what their astrology says about them;-

-= EBI =-
5/21 - 6/21

"Gemini pets tend to be extremely intelligent, so they are usually very easy to train. But their intellegience also means that they can require a lot of attention, and always need to be in the company of their owners."

-= EMMA =-
10/23 - 11/21

"Scorpio pets are extremely possesive of their owners. While this typically makes for an extremely loyal pet, it can also become a problem if the pet believes their owner is being attacked and they aren't. They can be overprotective at times."

Wooooo~ Pretty true huh?

(1) Ebi requires a lot of attention & always needs to be in human's company - otherwise, he whines alot & can become a destroyer @ home. Ebi cannot be left alone for long hours & he's not able to sleep alone @ nite either. I must admit that Ebi is very dependent on us & he hates being alone, even for a short while.

(2) Emma is possesive. She gets jealous if she sees us rolling on the bed & cuddling with Ebi, not her. When she's on our laps, she wants us only & does not likes Ebi to come near. She hates it when she sees us carrying other dogs too. Once, she growled & barked when my Mom *jokingly* beated me. Emma never wanders far from me & always runs back to check what im doing/where am i.. protective? Hurhur^^


Tiramisu said...

Are those horrorscope readings same as humans or meant for pets? Btw I love Ebi & Emma's grooming very nice escially the legging :)


DoMoFi said...

DoDo is Scorpio & MoMo is Cancer! I think these 2 signs get along pretty well. Heheheh

Ebi n' Emma said...

Tiramusu: the horoscope readings are meant for pets. (taken off Pets Magazine) =p

Thanks for the compliment! Lex looks very cute as well. I'm sure he will look good once he grows up & have his fur grown fluffer. =)

Doglover: DoMo Pa! Soooo, Dodo is a scorpio like Emma! Is she very protective of you guys? Momo's a cancer.. extremely sensitive? I like the part when they are attached to a person - they are loyal to that person for life. HUrhur^^

Tiramisu said...

I see, hehe can check on Lex? 26th Jan 2009. Urm his legging curls up alot >.< not like urs so neat

DoMoFi said...

Come to think of it, DoDo very protective of MoMo. Any dogs that show aggression to MoMo she will go forward and snip them. :D

Ebi n' Emma said...

Tiramisu : (Aquarius) January 21 - February 19

Aquarius pets are extremely intelligent, but for some reason that intelligence can come across as a level of sturboness that makes them appear ill-tempered and sometimes difficult to handle.


Tiramisu said...

this is so true he is a knuckle head, will only train with me when he is in the mood.... Hope you like this site