Oh yes, went to Petfuze earlier on in the evening to change the dress. Decided to change the Pink Princesss Dress to the Red one as Phingo said they will bring in new stocks (new colours for each design) next month! I am awaiting to lay my hands on the Hot Pink Princess Dress instead (see pic below). So meanwhile, changed to the Red Sleevess Dress first as it looked sweet also! Oh, i felt guilty as i didn't get anything for Ebi boy, so looked around & had my eyes fixed on the Red Fishing Tee! Hmm, perhaps can get Ebi to wear it during his barkday too, hehe~

Hot Pink Princess Dress!

Emma's Red Princess Sleeveless Dress

Take 01

Take 02

Ebi's Red Fishing Tee

Take 01 (he's feeling glad, tsktsk~)

Take 02
Oh yah, before i forget. On Sunday after we were home from the groomers, fed them their dinner of meatballs & shep pie, they knocked out after that. On-ed the aircon in my room & they slept like logs, not wanting to wake up even though i was walking in & out of the room, gosh! Some shots were sweet, Ebi was really tired i guess, he allowed Emma to do whatever she wanted without bothering her, muahahaa~ So i faster grabbed my camera off the table & tried taking some snap shots of them~ Heez

Ebi went next to Emma & slept~

Emma sleeping like a log~

Ebi slept like a log too!
Oh when i went into the room to watch tv, they woke up briefly & started to sniff & play abit, then snuggle together & lazed around, woooooooo! (",)

Sniff Sniff!

Emma wanna play with Ebi~

Emma & Ebi~

My lovable duos~ Hehe

This is the first time they got so close together! Emma was pratically sticking to Ebi like a glue, follows wherever he goes & lies next to him, hahaa~

Feels good to be in kor-kor's "arms", =p

*Snuggles* - my fav shot! Keke

Ebi boy

Cute pinky tongue!

Ebi, like a tare-panda!

Sound asleep, zzZZ~

Ebi & his favourite toy toy~
Enjoy~ Will be back soon for more blogging~ =)