The middle pup caught my eye & by FATE - she turns out to be the only female pup of a litter of 5. And she is Emma~ =)
Had a long long chat with Jo about the puppies & the parents. Everything was pretty fine i felt comfortable. So without delay, i went ahead & got Emma. Decided to bring her back home on 18/01/08 & meanwhile i got the puppy stuffs prepared for her arrival, keeping my parents in suspense too! Hahaa

Jo sent me photos & updates of Emma via email~

Went to fetch Emma back home on 18 Jan 2008

Emma's 1st day @ our house

Slowly we watched her grow-up & the story goes on...~
Anyway, even we already had a celebration together with Junior & Rocky @ Sentosa last Sunday, i decided to do a very small scale one at home with just Cat & the dogs. I hasn't done any of their barkday celebrations @ home and thought it was pretty meaningful & it wasn't so much of a hassle than to celebrate outside too. Thus, i called USDB on Tuesday to order some dog food & a small cake & got them to deliver today between 4pm-6pm. I took 1/2 day leave today & came home to wait for the delivery man to come while playing with Ebi & Emma~ Tsktsktsk

USDB delivered the orders promptly @ 5.40pm

Emma's barkday cake & the food

The cake was very pretty, so much nicer than what i had expected!

Emma couldn't resist the temptations..

Yummy-Yum-Yum! Meatloaf/ Meatballs/ Shep's Pie

Sides of the cake was written : Happy 1st Birthday Emma

Emma was amused by the cake..

And.. she smiled!! Geez~
- A delighted birthday gal, mer-mer (",) -

- More pawtures of Emma with the barkday cake!! =p -

- Ebi joins in the photoshoot session as well~ Hehe -

Hey! What's that orange/yellow thingy??

Let us check it out...
(The next moment, i called aloud to Emma coz she went so near that she almost got her little beard burnt! LOL)

Ouch.. it's pretty hot!

Can't wait to try the cake. Look @ Ebi's tongue!

Ebi was so scared of the burning candle, he stayed as far away as he could!
- Emma & her cake -

Ebi jumped off & left Emma here alone..

Emma: Hmmm, can i play with that "light"?

Emma, look here!!

Emma's lovely cakey~

A last smile to end the photoshoot

The inside of the cake! It was yummylicious~

Let me have the cake!! *Gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

I microwaved their food & fed them before allowing them to enjoy the cake by themselves. They simply loved the cake & ate up every little piece. (There's still half a cake to be left for tomoro's comsumption) Gave them a through wash of their beard & paws after that. Most importantly, they enjoyed the food & cake. ("v")
To end it off... ~ (",)

Happy Barkday once again, to my dearest gal = Emma. Be a good girl now & don't anyhow pee/poo like what you did the past few days. Stay happy & healthy. Mommy loves you & ur brother, Ebi too. Grandma, Grandpa & Yi-yi's loves ya as well! Muackz