Along with my buddy, I brought Ebi & Roxy to Pasir Ris Park this evening, wanted to take a stroll & take our dinner at the fisherman village - 1 of our fav. spot in the past, they do serve very nice seafood! But too bad, everything had since closed down. :-( Wasted our trip there, then we went back to a coffeeshop in Bedok (2 blocks + a street away from my house), for the famous fish soup. We grabbed the outside seats & have the 2 sat on the chairs individually (i didn't notice any no pets allowed sign, lol). Finished my dinner & was chatting with my buddy when a stray cat walked past. The cheeky Roxy did the unexpected & caused my heart to skip a few beats. With the leash on her, she jumped off the chair & chased after the cat in high speed! Gosh, it got me stunned & I ran after her immediately. She totally ignores my & refuse to recall on command. I almost fell flat on my face as I was reaching out to the leash, but this naughty little gal had to jump into a "mini bush" in search of the cat & refuses to come out no matter what! *sweat* Even the *mum mum* word doesn't work on this greedy gal, so i had to grab a stick nearby, hook up the leash & pull her up! Wah, you guys should have seen how many pairs of eyes were looking at us - me, this clown especially. :~( It was so super embarassing, I swear. All this while, my good boy just sat quietly on the chair & waited for me to come back. ("v")
I can't imagine what would have happened if Roxy really got the cat. Gosh! Roxy's very strong, weighing at 10kg & even almost hitting 10.5kg! I even had trouble when i tried to pull her out of the "mini bush" man. Phew! I scolded her, gave her a light smack on her butt & nagged at her till we reached home, lol. Proceeded to clean up the dogs, fed them their dinner & took a rest. Roxy's not going to get near any cats anytime, she simply gets too excited when meeting one, even though the cat is far away from her. Geez, im so tired! Anyway, allowed the 2 furkids to play awhile b4 they each head to the respective rooms & sleep~ :-)

*sniff sniff*

*play-biting session about to start..*

They can play & play whole day long!

Ebi loves to *play-bite* Roxy's neck till she gets irritated & turns around to grab his muzzle using her mouth. LOL

Cute yet cheeky little gal~

Roxy's really cute at times, isn't she? =p

Looking innocent behind those mischievious actions~ Hahah..
Oh, guess what! Roxy has a new found hobby. Nowadays, her afternoon naps are spent on my parent's bed!! Gutsy har! Ebi was in my room sleeping while Roxy & my Mum was napping in the other room. Roxy would actually jump up to the bed, rest her small little head on Mum's stomach & fell asleep with her!! Whahahah! Even Ebi doesn't do that, Mum says this Roxy really *da-dan* & take herself @ home man. So funny, lol! I hope her actions doesn't "provoke" Ebi to pee/poo on their bed man but so far so good. I think Mum & Dad really likes Roxy after she spent so many nights with them together in their room man. They are going to miss her! Tsk Tsk~
Great! It's MS Gathering @ Pawtobello in a few hours time! Can't wait!! How i miss Junior, Belle, Ton-Ton, Da-Tou, Chaco, Cola, Fido & many many moreeeee~ =p Cya guys!! More photo-taking sessions tomoro & i'll upload them all here! (",)
Hohoho, forgot to upload Roxy's pictures after her bath yesterday, she took me only 40 minutes to bath, towel-dry, blow-dry & brush her! LOL. Here it goes;

I lurveeeeeee this picture!

Making herself at home~ =p

Oh yeah, she's getting on fine. But moi Mummy says she's a little "qia beh beh". LOL! Hmmm, when she's guai - she is really sweet & obedient. But when she's stuborn - no matter how we try to coax her, she wouldn't listen & this makes us all wanna pull out our hair. Haha~ She has startled many neighbours walking past the house with her signature loud barkings too. Whenever i try to shut her up & stomp my feet to chase her, she would deliberately bark even louder while running away from me. *bang wall* :-|
Roxy is very hyperactive also, she can play non-stop & runs around the house even when Ebi is already fast asleep in dreamland. Keke. She's a great attention seeker & would even climb up to my Mum's bed at night to kiss & disturb her when they are asleep. (Ebi would have chased her away & snap at her is he sess that!) LOL! Everyone in the family says she has long tongue & she just loves to lick & lick, awwwwwwww~ 11 days more to go & she's going back home with her family. Although she has very loud barks & is occasionally stuborn, but im sure all of us is going to miss Roxy so much! :-)
Oh yeah, after thinking for so long & awaiting for the fur to grow thick enough - I've finally decide to let Ebi go for the "Pony Cut" instead of the usual "Schnauzer Cut". LOL
Indeed, it looks nice & cute, at least to us. My Dad & Mum loves it & asked me to let Ebi have this same style during CNY 2008. But Mum commented that Ebi looked a little skinny after the shave-off. It was all the curly thick fur he had that make us think he was getting a little too fat & they even called him "Ah Pui". :-( Mum wants to pump him up more, she says it would be nice if Ebi hit 8KG! OMG, I've better keep watch on him tightly. LOL! But i loves his size now, it looks just nice to me. He's 6.5KG now & Vet also mentioned that he's of healthy weight!
Oh anyway, Marc was still doing some clippings on Ebi when we arrived at Royal Pets Paradise to pick him up. Then Ebi got excited when he saw me & sis, then started to whine non-stop. There, we saw a couple with a S&P female MS - she commented that Ebi looks really nice & has good genes. Sheesh! =p Oh, then the lady asked how old is Ebi & if i wanna let Ebi breed with her MS. The couple was kind-of disapppointed when I told them Ebi has been neutered. Tsk Tsk~

Ebi's first "Pony-Cut"

Can see clearer?

Sorry peeps, I couldn't get nice shots of him having the new hair-cut. He was off running around & playing with Roxy when we reached home. I even had a hard time taking these pictures. Those coming for the MS gathering next Sat, check him out in live okay? LOL! (",)
Hot sunny Saturday, good weather for some exercises. Thus, off i go to do some packing, get ready the dogs, put them on the collar & leash, grab the car keys & off we go - yessss, petmovers dog-run. :-)
Ebi has been getting so excited upon turning into farmway 2 & whined non-stop. When i turned into petmovers, he barked non-stop too because he got too impatient when i changed to reverse gear & starts parking. All the way, Roxy remains quiet & chose to sit on the car carpet instead of the seats. When we got in, she got abit nervous & wanted to explore. But whenever other doggies approaches, she gets nervous & runs away.
Oh yeah btw, does neutered male dogs seems more attractive to other males & female? Ebi was being followed closely by a no. of dogs till he got irritated, barked at them & tries to run away & hide whenever these doggies approach. :-| First, was the husky, he was playing & chasing Ebi the moment we entered the dog-run. Then Ebi tried to take cover under the benches i was sitting at but failed, until i carried him up & let him stand on the bench. Hahaa. Then, came this little JRT that kept trying to dominate Ebi & cannot stop humping him. To a point of time, Ebi really got angry & fought back. Then only the cute little doggy stopped his actions & chose to play with other dogs. Shortly after that, came a Jap Spitz (i think her name is Coco). She wanted to play with Ebi & followed him closely to wherever he goes to, it was hilarious seeing their actions (as if they are going dating). The Jap Spitz just followed Ebi to & fro, choosing to ignore her owners & walk/run with Ebi side by side. Whahaha. Finally, came a Labrador that was having so much fun with Ebi, running & chasing after him that he refuses to leave when the owners were going home. Just as i was about to leave at the same time as the Lab owners, the Lab was sitting at the door awaiting for Ebi. The owner says the dogs wants to bid farewell to Ebi. So i got Ebi to play with the biggy for awhile more until the Lab is happy & finally decides to go home. LOL!

Roxy @ PMDR~


Tired. .

Ebi's "dates" of the day - the Jap Spitz & the Lab. (",)

Ebi says; i love biggies!
Both dogs was so tired after the run & slept in the car till we reached home. Then i quickly do a check for ticks on them & gave them a good clean-up. Didn't bathed the dogs because Ebi is going for a full groom on Sunday & i wanted to bath Roxy on Sunday itself too, i didn't want Ebi to make her dirty if i had bathed her, when they are playing together. =p
Ryan - My elder sister's 5 year old son. Alike his 2 years old sister, Belle - both of them likes dogs although afraid of these cute little furballs initially. It took them awhile to warm-up to Ebi & gradually they fell in love with dogs & would always wants to follow me to the PMDR & other doggy gatherings. :-)

When Ryan first met Ebi..~

Ebi loves to play with Belle & give her many kisses..
Mum brought Ryan back to our home this evening as my sister went out & wasn't able to fetch him from the nursery (5-7 mins away from my house). When he saw Roxy, he was scared intitially because Roxy was so excited & kept jumping at him. But gradually when i started introducing Roxy to him, he fell in love with her & couldn't stop playing with Roxy. He even said: "ah-yee, can i bring Roxy home with me later? Or i bring Ebi home? LOL!" Roxy is very good with kids, she's very manja with Ryan & follows him around the house. And thru-out, Ebi was kept in the room with Mum because he gets jealous when Ryan plays with Roxy & would chase her away with all his might.. :-| Then, i took this opportunity to take many pictures while they were playing & I've even promised Ryan that i will develop 1 or 2 photos for him to keep. Then, when it was time for him to go home, he stills asks innocently; i bring Roxy home with me okay? Whahahaha!!

Roxy loves the tummy rubs from Ryan~

Ryan tells Roxy; Come, kor-kor sayang you~

Roxy loves Ryan too!

Ryan feeling *shy* =p

See the happiness? Hahaa

Rox Rox ~

Looking sad when it's Ebi's turn to play with Ryan..

Ooh, I've got a hard time taking this picture!

Friend friend...

Then, they starts playing again & cannot stop~
Yessssssss! Roxy is currently boarding at my home, from 21/11/07 - 07/12/07. Roxy is a 2 year old S&P Female MS. Friendly, active & alert. She's paper-trained & knows how to goes around searching for the papers to do her business even if i lay the papers on different areas. :-) Roxy's a good gal except that she's very vocal - her barks can make all of us jump - very loud & deep. LOL. She barks in excitement when she sees me preparing her kibbles, she barks at every neighbours that walked past the house & she barks happily whenever any of us returns home. Noisy gal, ahahah!


Ebi & Roxy!



Roxy's a great poser!

Play-Biting ~

When i leaves for work, Ebi is confined in my room & Roxy confined within the living room. Till my parents comes home, they allow the 2 dogs to roam the house & give them lunch / apples. Then, till i come home at 6+ in the evening, i bring them down for walks & play with them. Followed by cleaning & brushing. After that, it's rest-time all the way while i do my things & prepare Ebi's dinner. At night, Ebi sleeps in the room with us while Roxy sleeps with my parents. ((Because, when Chomsky was boarding with me, the 2 dogs didn't sleep the 1st night. Ebi just stared & stared at Chomsky as if to make sure he does not try anything funny - like stepping onto my sis's bed, coming to me for attention & eg. If not, he snaps at him straight & chases him away. *blush* It was only from the 2nd night onwards - both dogs slept thru-out. Far away from one another though, a corner each. They must have been really tired, me & my sis too. Hahah!))
Thus, during night-time, i seperates Ebi & Roxy at different rooms so there won't be any "staring incidents" & causing us to forsake our beauty sleep. LOL~ Anyway, Roxy is very *shy* when meeting new dogs. She hides away the 1st time she met Ebi & it took awhile before them to warm up to each other. I am most probably bringing Roxy along with me for the MS gathering next week. One, i can let both dogs play & have fun & secondly, i hope Roxy can make more friends & won't shy away the next time she meets new doggies. :-)
Now that Ebi has stopped peeing & pooing on my Mum's bed. He has resorted to doing something else to seek attention. He's just so naughty isn't it? But i still loves him! LOL.

See what he has done? He actually managed to pull-up the tray from his yogi, remove the pee-pad, chew it into pieces, arrange it & "stacked" it together. (-_-")

Whenever i scold him or nag at him, he does this action - by looking at the floor, refusing eye-contact with me & give me the "don't wish to listen to you" attitude. :-( It's only until he feels guilty enough or when i walks away from him, then he comes running to me & give me his paws paws. Tsk Tsk Tsk~
Anyway, here are some pictures I took @ the AVA Show held outside Takashimaya on the 17th Nov (Saturday). I was there at 2+ & was disappointed at the turn-out. Ricky (from ASD) was talking on the stage with only some audiences below & other than that, it was so quiet & i only see like, 2 dogs from ASD? Went for lunch & returned at 6plus again, this time the event was more lively with many more dogs because there was a SKC Parade Show @ 6pm with the show dogs, invited by SKC. It was really hot & humid, i was there for like 25 mins & i felt so dehydrated! Hahah. Anyway, i should have gone on Sunday instead, with Enrica & gang. Then it would have probably been more fun! Anyway, i'll see you people soon, on 1 Dec! :-)

This big fellow refuses to go up the stage & many people was laughing away when the handler struggled to carry him up stage!

Beautiful golden retriever, nice shiny golden coat!

"Hush Puppies"? Kekeke

Owner says he's only 7 months old! Look at the "wrinkles" on his fours! =p

This cutie pie here attracted so many people coming over to take pictures of her!

How cuteeeeeeeeeeee!! He/She was aroused from it's sleep by the huge crowd coming over to take pictures of him/her & the yorkie friend. Sheesh..